Creative real estate marketing ideas to make a lasting impression

Digital real estate marketing has never been more critical. But according to experts, this doesn’t mean that offline no longer has a place in the market.

Online and offline methods can work hand-in-hand to help you raise brand awareness, keep your business top of mind, and tap into a larger pool of potential clients. We’ve looked across the Web for some ideas to get you started.

Remarkable business cards

It’s not easy to be unique and original day in and day out, especially when you’re already busy meeting with clients and leads. So, why not start with something as small and simple as your business card?

A card that simply lists your company’s name and contact details in a plain font is unlikely to be memorable. If you’d like to create an impression, have a look at these innovative real estate business cards. You can also use Hubspot’s collection of real estate quotations. And if you’re feeling even bolder, here are 29 outside-the-box business cards that take the concept to the next level.

Free educational opportunities

When it comes to buying or selling property, there’s no such thing as too much information. Offering free real estate knowledge and information can set you apart as an expert in the field and increase brand awareness.

For example, you can:

  • Create and distribute downloadable e-Guides through social media

  • Host local tours of the neighborhood where you offer listings

  • Sponsor how-to seminars or webinars on property buying, selling or investing

  • Organise workshops with related businesses such as mortgage advisers, building inspectors, interior designers, tax consultants etc.

How-to videos can also be a strong marketing tool – from sharing your top tips through to expanding learning opportunities by bringing in other experts. And if you like to be even more ‘lateral’ with your content, why not create a video series highlighting the local amenities – such as restaurants, shopping centres, parks, or community events? It might also be an opportunity to develop partnerships with local businesses.

Free home valuations

There’s a reason why free market appraisals have been a successful lead generation method for a long time. Potential vendors want to know how much their home is worth, and offering a free service can really warm up the relationship with them.

While there are various websites they can check for approximate property values, like Trademe Property and, vendors can still benefit from your on-the-ground market knowledge in the area. What’s more, you can include other useful information in the marketing material, such as what pre-sale renovations may add the most value, when is the best time to sell, what sale method may be most appropriate for them and why.

This way, you won’t be just providing a ballpark figure, but also positioning yourself as a marketing expert. You may also include information about helpful finance tools for real estate marketing and renovations – click here for our Agent Toolbox.


As real estate agents know all too well, you need to put your whole self into marketing and branding. Vendors look for professionalism, knowledge, and past results when hiring an agent, but with so many experienced agents to pick from, it’s critical to keep your company in the forefront of their minds at all times.

After a sale, things like sending a "care package" and handwritten letters to both buyers and sellers can leave a lasting impression. It’s a good idea to stay in touch with past buyers over time (even months or years later), by sending out anniversary cards or freebies with your logo on them.

You may also consider getting creative with local sponsorship opportunities. For example, you could sponsor the coffee cups at a neighbouring café, or as suggests, offer vendors a complimentary moving truck with your branding on the side. And when the moving truck is not ‘on duty’, you can still park it in high-traffic areas and use it as a moving billboard.

Like to maximise your vendors’ opportunities?

At Lifestyle Finance, we specialise in helping New Zealand real estate agents and their vendors maximise their opportunities in the market, with our ‘Pay Later’ finance options for real estate marketing and renovations. Give our team a call on 0800 100 265 to get the conversation started. 


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